Saturday, September 12, 2009

India Mission Trip

Made it home Wednesday from India. Very thankful to be home and tremendously grateful for how blessed we are to live in a country where we can worship without fear. We often take so much for granted. We (including myself) often become habitual about our worship of God. I saw such a hunger in the people attending church in India. They lined up waiting for the doors to open at church and surged to the front for prayer when service was over. Such a hunger for the Word is rarely seen here. I thought I had a strong prayer life until I witnessed the intensity of the prayer team we were traveling with as they prayed for their country. They were fearless in praying against the evil that abounds in their country. Fervent in praying to tear down the strongholds that have held their people in bondage for thousands of years. It was heartbreaking to see the temples to false gods so prevalent everywhere. These poor people spending what little they have to make sacrifices of food and flowers to something that is destroying their very soul literally makes me sick. They are so hungry for relief from the oppression they are under that they are blind to the realization that the very things they are worshipping are keeping them in bondage. Please pray for the prayer warriors who are standing in the gap and interceding on their behalf, pray for the pastors who are risking their freedom and their very lives preaching the Gospel, pray that the eyes and hearts of the people be opened. Pray for our country and the people here that are just as oppressed and unaware of the evil that has hold of them. Take a stand where and when you can, with the authority we have in Christ, to defeat the enemy. Be blessed !

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